
Where to start.. Pandemics. Viruses. Isolation… Who would have thought, a virus would bring us to our knees.. with masks, nevertheless.

Strange times. I would say what sucks alot, is that, Corona came at such a bad time. Like, 2019 was very hellish for most of us, emotionally. And 2020, was a chance for us to heal, recover and get our life straight. It was a chance for me, to reclaim the happiness, I lost. But the Rona. The fucking Rona. Now I feel like, I’ve walked six steps behind. Thus, it has brought spouts of anxiety attacks, that I didn’t ask for. You know?? I get home alone, and sometimes, I can’t sleep, coz my mind is overthinking. Burning itself to a crisp. Then my emotions get entangled, and fear creeps in. What if I don’t get enough food, if the lockdown comes?? What if, I contact the virus, will I be able to deal with it?? Who will even know if I’m suffering or not?? Musings that are not helpful.

I sit here, and think, how would my mum and dad would deal with this. For one, my mum wouldn’t dare leave the house. Haha. My sister and I, would be basically wearing comms, to keep track of each other, as to where mum sent us. We don’t a situation, of a SpiderMan-like moment, where I meet my siz in the supermarket, and we are pointing each other like, “Mum sent you to buy milk??” “I thought, she sent me!” 😂😂
And my dad. Wow. He would be statistically, following the statistics of how the virus is spreading. And just to keep him from going insane, I would periodically feed him with Trevor Noah’s clips, from The Daily Social Distancing Show.

I really miss you guys.. I almost followed that statement with, ‘Please come back soon!” As if you guys, just went for a jog or something. Sigh. 😔😔

Away from Corona, I’m healing slowly. Enjoying my job, as tiring as it is. It’s getting some food on my couch. Uhm, I don’t have a table. 😬 I did say, 2020 would be my year, to be wild and crazy, as I smile and smile. That mission is being derailed abit, but I won’t lose focus.

Stay safe, my humans. Sanitize. Wear that mask, and develop a Batman voice. And stay indoors.

It’s 0200hrs, on a Thursday. Always a perfect time to light a blunt. 🌬️


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